Create Manage Deferred Tax Payment Rcds Tab

Use this tab to enter parameters when you select the Create Manage Deferred Tax Payment Records toolkit on the Payroll Toolkits screen.

Note: If you use the Create Manage Deferred Tax Payments Records toolkit and select the Generate new records option, you will need to run the same toolkit with both of the following options selected:
  • Update existing records based on selection criteria and Deferral Period Start Date option
  • Update Q3/Q4/Total Deferred Amounts and Deferral Period End Date check box

Selection Criteria

Field Description
Pay Cycle Enter, or click to select, the pay cycle to be selected for processing. Employees assigned to the pay cycle in the Manage Employee Taxes screen and that meet the other selection criteria will be included in the processing.


Use the fields to define the selection range for employees that will be selected for processing. The following fields have no labels when you use Form view.

Field Description
Deferred Social Security Employee Range Type
Use the drop-down list to select the type of employee range to be used for data selection. Options are:
  • All
  • One
  • Range
  • From Beginning
  • To End
Deferred Social Security Starting Employee Enter, or click to select, the starting employee to be included in the processing.
Deferred Social Security Ending Employee Enter, or click to select, the ending employee to be included in the processing.
Non-Contiguous Range Select this check box to enter multiple non-contiguous ranges of employees for processing. When you select this check box, use the Employee Non-Contiguous Ranges subtask to enter the employee ranges.


Specify whether you opt to generate new records or update existing ones.

Field Description
Generate new records Select this option to create new records for the specified employees that have deferred Social Security withholding tax during the deferral period, but do not already have Deferred Tax Payment records for the specified Deferral Period Start Date.
Update Existing Records Based on Selection Criteria and Deferral Period Start Date Select this option to update data for employees that have an existing Deferred Tax Payment record for the specified Deferral Period Start Date. You may opt to update the Total Deferred Amount, Deferral Period End Date, the Payment Period Start Date, and Payment Period End Date values.
Update Q3/Q4/Total Deferred Amount and Deferral Period End Date Select this box to update the deferred amount and deferral end date for the selected employee and deferral period start date. The total deferred amount and deferral period end date will be updated for any employees within the specified pay cycle and employee range that have existing Deferred Tax Payments records where the Deferral Period Start Date is the same as the one specified on the screen.
Update Payment Period Select this box to update the payment period start date and payment period end date for the selected employee and deferral period start date. The payment period start date and payment period end date will be updated for any employees within the specified pay cycle and employee range that have existing Deferred Tax Payments records where the Deferral Period Start Date is the same as the one specified on the screen.
Deferral Period Start Date Enter, or click to select, the start date of the period in which the employee Social Security withholding was deferred. If a record does not already exist, a new Deferred Tax Payment record will be generated for employees that meet the selection criteria and had deferred Social Security withholding within the deferral period.
Deferral Period End Date

Enter, or click to select, the end date of the Social Security withholding deferral period.

If you would like to mass update the deferral period end date for existing Deferred Tax Payment records, select the Update Q3/Q4/Total Deferred Amount and Deferral Period End Date check box. The date will be updated for existing Deferred Tax Payment records that meet the selection criteria and have the same Deferral Period Start Date as the one specified on the screen.

This field is only enabled if you select the Generate new records option or the Update Q3/Q4/Total Deferred Amount and Deferral Period End Date check box.

Source of Total Deferred Amount

Select the method that will be used to determine the employee's Total Amount Deferred. Options are:

  • Deferred Social Security Withholding from Manage Employee Earnings History: Select this option if you deselected the Subject to Social Security check box for your employees prior to the first paycheck of September 2020 and used the Costpoint Recompute Taxable Wages application to calculate the employer taxable wages, employer portion of the Social Security taxes and the employee Social Security taxable wages. This option should also only be used if you have not made any manual edits to handle the Social Security deferral. If you have used any manual edits in Manage Payroll Records or Manage Employee Earnings History screen, use the other method. This method will sum the Deferred Employee Withholding from the Employee Tax Setup tab on the Manage Employee Earnings History table. This field is populated by the Recompute Taxable Wages if the employee's Employee Subject to Accrual via Recompute Taxable Wages check box is selected in the Manage Employee Taxes screen.
  • The difference between calculated and actual employee withholding: Select this option if you have used any manual adjustments to defer any of the employee's Social Security withholding. Examples of manual adjustments include, but are not limited to the following:
    • You left the employee as subject to Social Security on the Manage Employee Taxes screen, and then manually zeroed out the Social Security withholding after computing payroll and before posting payroll.
    • You computed and posted payroll for an employee with the Subject to Social Security check box selected on the Manage Employee Taxes screen, and then used an X record to back out Social Security withholding.
    • You used Deltek's recommended setup to handle the Social Security deferral, but changed any of the data after running Recompute Taxable Wages screen.
    Warning: If you used any of the processes above or used another manual method of deferring employee Social Security withholding, Costpoint did not track the Deferred Employee Withholding amount in Manage Employee Earnings History. In this case, you should not select this option.
    This option will apply the following actions to determine the Total Amount Deferred:
    1. Sum the employee's Social Security Taxable Wages between September 1, 2020 and December 31, 2020.
    2. Determine what the employee's Social Security withholding would have been if it hadn't been deferred (Employee Social Security Taxable Wages x 6.2%).
    3. Sum the actual employee Social Security taxes withheld from the employee between September 1, 2020 and December 31, 2020.
    4. The Total Amount Deferred will be set to the difference between the employee's expected Social Security withholding and the employee's actual Social Security withholding.
    Important: A Deferred Tax Payment record will be generated for any employee whose 2020 YTD taxable wages are less than or equal to the 2020 deferral wage base limit of $104,000 and have a difference between the calculated Social Security withholding and the actual Social Security withholding.

This drop-down will only be available if you select the Generate New Records option or the Update Q3/Q4/Total Deferred Amount and Deferral Period End Date check box.

Payment Period Start Date

Enter, or click to select, the start date of the period in which the employee's deferred Social Security withholding will be paid/recouped. The Create payroll records to repay deferred Social Security toolkit in the Payroll Tookit application will prorate any deferred withholding over the checks paid between the Payment Period Start Date and Payment Period End Date.

If you would like to mass update the payment period dates for existing Deferred Tax Payment records that meet the selection criteria, select the Update Existing Records Based on Selection Criteria and Deferral Period Start Datecheck box then the Update Payment Period check box.

This field is only enabled if you select the Generate new records option or the Update Payment Period check box.

Payment Period End Date

Enter, or click to select, the end date of the period in which the deferred Social Security withholding will be paid/recouped. The Create payroll records to repay deferred Social Security toolkit in the Payroll Tookit application will prorate any deferred withholding over the checks paid between the Payment Period Start Date and Payment Period End Date.

If you would like to mass update the payment period dates for multiple employees, you may use the Deferred Social Security Withholding process in the Payroll Toolkits application and opt to update the payment period.

This field is only enabled if you selected the Generate new records option or the Update Payment Period check box is selected.

Party Responsible for Payments
From the drop-down list select whether the employee or employer is responsible for paying the deferred Social Security. The Create payroll records to repay deferred Social Security toolkit in the Payroll Tookit application will use this setting to determine whether the employee or the employer is responsible for the deferred Social Security withholding payments. Options are:
  • Employee
  • Employer

If you change this setting, any further payments against the employee's deferred withholding amount will be based on it. For example, if at some point, the employer decides to pay the deferred withholding, you should change the value to Employer and save the record. Changing this setting will not change the responsible party for any checks that have already been computed in payroll.